Tag Archives: Bipartisan Cooperation

So Maybe It Wasn’t an April Fools’ Post?

Talk about being out in front of a story!

Early April 1, before I went to the Westminster Justice Center for a day of Jury Duty (details later this week), we put up our most popular post yet, “Major Housing Breakthrough Near?

It looks like our leaders may finally be setting aside their egos and personal agendas to work together for the common good,” we wrote two days ago.

“Behind-the-scenes discussions between Congressional leaders and the Bush administration may be about to bear fruit. And that fruit would be a pragmatic Housing Relief Act of 2008 which combines the best ideas from partisans of all stripes to provide both immediate relief and long term reform.”

So guess what’s the top story on Los Angeles Times‘ website this morning? “Senate advances mortgage relief plan.”

Here are the first two paragraphs of today’s Times’ article:

WASHINGTON — Senate Democratic and Republican leaders reached agreement Wednesday on a multibillion-dollar package to address rampant foreclosures and other problems stemming from what may be the worst housing slump since the Great Depression.

The compromise measure, placed on a fast track by the election-year desire to mollify voters, could be approved by the Senate as early as this week. It would be the first significant intervention by federal lawmakers to aid victims of the mortgage crisis.

Looks like you heard it here first!

Now, we’re pleased with our reputation for honesty. Really (see Redfin’s post, “A Realtor We Can Trust“). So we’ll also have to disclose that we got a couple of “minor” details wrong near the end of our April 1 prophetic post.

Like Congress eliminating earmarks and passing a line-item veto and Bush cutting back on Iraq spending to help fund the bill. And the AARP agreeing to support a one year suspension of social security’s cost of living increase. And McCain picking Obama as his running mate in the midst of all the bipartisan unity.

But it was posted on April 1.

By that we mean, it took a couple of days for all the details to come out. Right?

Shoot, our first report on a pending bipartisan breakthrough on housing was posted on March 31 (“Pragmatic White House Ready to Help Out?“).

We think it could be a major step in the right direction–or a major disaster. As always, “the devil is in the details.” We just hope & pray that our employees in Washington (yup–we pay their salaries!) will finally put special interests, dogma, and party politics aside long enough to work for the common good, ” we wrote back then.

Who knows, maybe they were listening in Washington.

So maybe that post coming out on April 1 was just a coincidence? What are we going to do if we get some unbelievable, hot info on April 1? Sit on it until April 2, and let the big boys get ahead of us?

In any case, the devil is still going to be in the details, which range from federal mortgage relief bonds to tax breaks for homeowners, builders, and people who buy and occupy foreclosures.

There’s still time for partisanship to kill the bill, with hearings in the house scheduled for next week. Wouldn’t it be nice if our representatives will use that time to make the bill better for the nation as a whole, rather than to grandstand or advance partisan interests.

Otherwise, the joke might just be on us.

Only we wouldn’t be laughing.